Public documents from user
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# Document User Names M/F Points Time
1. Dsgdfgdfghdgdg Gdgddfgdgd Phan Phước Tính Dfgdfgdfgdfgdfgdg, u . 6 3/1/0 0.04 3/24/2023 4:59:45 AM
2. Dsgdfgdfghdgdg Gdgddfgdgd Phan Phước Tính Dfgdfgdfgdfgdfgdg, u . 6 3/1/0 0.04 3/24/2023 4:59:25 AM
3. Phan Phước Tính, m ... 6 5/0/0 0.29 3/24/2023 4:58:50 AM
4. Rajendra Kumar Rajput, m ... 2 2/0/0 0.78 3/24/2023 4:57:38 AM
5. Pradeep Kumar, m ... 152 73/24/0 0.12 3/23/2023 1:01:40 PM
6. Amit Kumar, m ... 75 49/9/0 0.12 3/23/2023 1:00:45 PM
7. Amit Kumar, m ... 75 49/9/0 0.12 3/23/2023 12:48:58 PM
8. Christopher Smith, m ... 869 686/103/0 0.56 3/23/2023 12:47:04 PM
9. Michael Donnelly, m ... 2500 1576/857/0 0.72 3/23/2023 12:42:49 PM